Peets Pizza Gas Leak

at 11:01 pm on december 21st a large explosion was heard all around the neighbourhood of ramona. A gas line had exploded in the small peets pizza restaurant in the Ramona community mall. 2 employees and 3 customers were in the store at the time of the explosion. 4 of them died in the store after the explosion, the fifth person later died in the hospital due to internal bleeding. Police and firefighters arrived at the scene within 20 minutes after the explosion, by the time they arrived the fire had already stopped.

What Happened

Two employees, Sarah Brown and Alex Garcia were in the kitchen, while 3 customers were enjoying there late night pizza in the restaurant. It was Sarahs first day on the job. She entered the freezer to grab ingredients when the door shut. Sarah, not knowing what to do tried to open the door but the door didnt budge. After searching in the freezer and calling for help she found a button near the end of the freezer, she clicked the button thinking it might open the door but in seconds the room exploded, killing her in seconds.

Alex was in the back throwing away garbage when he heard Sarah screaming so he ran in, but when he walked in the freezer exploded and he also died on scene.

The three customers were sat at a table close to the window that looked into the kitchen. The freezer exploded causing the glass window to burst and glass shards flew across the room. Piercing two of the three in the skin, causing them to die due to blood loss at the restaurant. The third tried to get up but a ceiling panel fell and knocked him unconscious. He later died at the hospital.

The Damage

The window between the restaurant and the kitchen is shattered, and peices off the wall have flown out and Multiple ceiling panels and lights have fallen from the ceiling. The kitchen suffered alot more damage, with multiple pipes and appliances being broken and cabinets that have fallen from the walls, the kitchen floor is slightly charred because of the fire and the ceiling is significantly destroyed. The freezer is completely destroyed and charred, the wall between the kitchen and freezer has been completely blown out and so has the floor. A hidden room was found under the freezer which seems to be a former bunker from one of the houses that used to be on the lot that is now the stripmall. It seems tho that the former owners, a computer store had turned it into an office.