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View of Westwood as seen from a drone

Westwood is a designated community area on the west side of Greenfield, California. It is located west of Downtown Greenfield.

Westwood is an industrialized residential district, it was a small area until the 1950s when a huge industrial port expansion/development took place. And with this many new stores and factories were built, as new 50s houses filled the remaing lots in between the older homes. Unfortunately Westwood became a victim of neglect and segregation because the majority of the neighbourhood was made up of poor African American and Mexican/Spanish people. With the new interstate 5 being plowed through the neighbourhood, this definitely became a place that the most would not want to move to. Further decreasing the landvalue.

Westwood in general is not a nice place. It's made up of ghetto stores, factories and poor, rundown bungalows, with some being completely vacant or burnt down. Crime is still rampant and Westwood suffered highly during the 80s-90s Crack epidemic. Which is also one of the major pillar reasons why Westwood still is the place it is today. Homicide rates and gun violence is higher than the other districts. Homelessness is common and atleast almost half of the population lives on or below poverty line. And gang activity is high here.

Westwood is a prime example of Greenfield's most neglected districts ever. It had a promising future but has been ever decaying since the 1960s.

Notable builds



-Info on regional rail


-Info on Subway


-Info on highway system