The Greenfield Times May 5th, 1971

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Number of vacancies in Ramona is through the roof!

It has been a few years since the devastating tragedy took place on April 16th, 1965 in the distric of Ramona. When an overlooked safety hazard caused absolute mayhem and nearly burnt the whole place down, people say the situation hasn't bettered, here's what one of Ramona's residents has to say " This is ludicrous! Half of the neighbourhood burnt down and took the lives from many hard working families, and the god damned city still ain't done a thing ever since. They say "It's gonna be okay" but now it's 1971 and the place looks like a warzone. Us are simply forced to camp in parking lots, drum ourselves into motels for those that have the money or some take it to the next level and are literally squatting in the vacant burnt-out shells that shows that we are desperate."

Residents also complain about the number of vacant homes. It's like Detroit is what multiple people are saying, they are struggling to sell them or they just never get noticed. It's been rising since 1965 and the main avenue's are slowly dying. People don't have the money anymore to afford it and they simple walk away once the rot starts showing in their house.