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Interstate 5
Highway map as of September 10, 2022

Interstate 5 (I-5) is a north-south Interstate Highway that runs mostly along the southern edge of the city of Greenfield. It passes through, from east to west, southern Palma, Rockwell, Dawson, Ramona, Downtown, and into Westwood. It is part of the greater I-5 system, which runs all the way from San Diego to Seattle.

Build History

List of highway exits

The following is a complete list of highway exits and their in-game coordinates


List of Northbound I-5 Exits
Exit Name Exit To Ingame Coordinates
Exit 125A I-205W to GIA 6155, 81, 1616
Exit 125B South Palma 6051, 85, 1509
Exit 126 Palma 5161, 70, 1179
Exit 127 Rockwell 4870, 66, 1133
Exit 128A I-10E to GIA 3040, 74, 610
Exit 128B Western Rockwell 2819, 73, 610
Toll Lane Express Exit (Exit 129) Richmond 2918, 72, 630
Exit 130 Dawson, Kennedy Park 2104, 79, 575
Exit 131 Kennedy 1523, 79, 522
Exit 132 Riverwood 1302, 79, 411
Exit 133 Georgetown South 1007, 79, 143
Exit 134 Georgetown 658, 79, 73
Exit 135A Downtown 403, 69, 74
Exit 135B Downtown, Longport Keys 403, 69, 74
Exit 137 Baron's Bar, Olympia -430, 69, 74
Exit 138 Deltapier, Olympia -745, 78, 71
Exit 139 US-101 Northbound to Ashfield West -1199, 78, -27
Exit 140 Baron's Bar, Zetapier -1378, 78, -29
Exit 141 Southeast Westwood, Gammapier -1969, 74, 176
Exit 143 Westwood -2704, 70, 265